Saturday, March 15, 2008

How should I répondez, s'il vous plaît????

"Back in the day" RSVP cards were pretty simple.....what were we thinking? I just love how this new generation has "loosened" things up a bit. Emily Post must be freaking out in her grave!!! But I love it!
So, Shelby has sent to me a copy of a RSVP card she found on the internet.....I love it! I don't know that we need people to respond as to what they want to eat since she's considering Southwestern food stations, but I just love the comments section......don't you know that the "Great Bridge Group" will have all kinds of funny comments to make.......and she can save them to read years later for a chuckle.
I've surfed around on the net to try to get some ideas and here's what I've found:

__Yes, wild flamingos couldn't keep me away
__No, I heard about the wild flamingos

Here's another one:

____ Glady attend
____ Regretfully decline
____Regretfully attend
____ Enthusiastically decline
____ Will decline to respond, but ultimately attend
____ Will respond, but not attend

I think they're so cute! I also love the new idea for RSVPs by going to the couple's website and sending the RSVP......heck, why give the United States Postal Service more money than we have to! It's also alot easier for the bride to keep up with, don't you think?
Whatever she decides, I'm sure that in the end we'll still be calling everyone at the last minute to find out if they're coming or not.....isn't it funny how some people just don't respond at all? I don't know how to respond to that.......well, I do, but I won't.

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