Sunday, October 5, 2008 anybody there!?

Wow......I put a counter on the blog on Thursday night and I already have over 125 hits! Now, I don't know who you are (well, I know who some of you are!), or how you got to my blog, but I'd love to hear from you! Heck, if no one looks at your blog and talks back to you, it's just a diary....been there, done's more fun to share!
By accident a found a couple of great blogs....I hit that "Next Blog" button at the top of my blog yesterday when I was making a post on Aprons Required...I thought it would take me to my other blog, but I saw this blog called Homesick Texan. At first I thought that Shelby had changed the name of her blog......but it's not Shelby! This is a great website for recipes....and her photography is awesome. I'm inspired....and check out how many comments she gets to her posts! Unreal! I don't think I want to go that far!
Anyway, I'm happy to know that someone is visiting my blog....I love company! But it would be alot nicer if I knew you were there! Let me know who you are...and how I can check out your blog! Hey, if you can find a mate on the computer, you can find new friends, too! See ya around!